Bliža se odprtje 12. Mednarodnega festivala likovnih umetnosti Kranj - ZDSLU! Odprtje festivala se bo odvilo v četrtek 5.10.2023 ob 17:00 v Galeriji Mestne hiše na Glavnem trgu 4 v Kranju. Po podelitvi nagrad in priznanj se boste lahko sprehodili po razstaviščih letošnjega festivala. Ob 20:00 vas vabimo pod arkade Prešernovega gledališča na pogostitev, kjer se bomo ob 21:00 lahko posladkali s koncertom skupine Birlabirlonga! Za vse zainteresirane pa vabim tudi na novinarsko konferenco, ki bo v sredo 27.9.2023 ob 11:00 v Vojnomirovi dvorani v prostorih Gorenjskega muzeja, na Tomšičevi ulici 42. Dear colleagues and connoisseurs of visual arts, The opening of the 12th International Festival of Visual Arts Kranj - SAFAS is approaching! The opening of the festival will take place on Thursday October 5th, 2023 at 17:00 in the Town Hall Gallery at Glavni trg 4 in Kranj. After the presentation of awards and recognitions, you will be able to walk through the exhibition areas of this year's festival. You are invited for a banquet under the arcades of the Prešeren Theatre at 20:00, where at 21:00 we can treat ourselves to a concert by the Birlabirlonga band! I also invite all those interested, to the press conference, which will be held on Wednesday, September 27th, 2023 at 11:00 a.m. in the Vojnomir Hall in the Gorenjski Museum, Tomšičeva Street 42. |
Arhiv objav
January 2025